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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


What new Mommy doesn't want to feel cute again after a rigorous nine month pregnancy?  Tessa is my little cousin and I have to say she gets more beautiful as time goes by.  The horse in the photos is Mouse, the horse she has had since she was two years old.

Baby H (3mo)

The Newell Family

I recently made a photography trip to Missouri.  One session was cancelled due to a broken arm and my best friend had to reschedule their session due to a water outage at their home.  I did however get this session in with my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and her little one.  It was extra special for me personally because part of the session took place on my late Grampa's country property.  This place with the log cabin and man made and stocked pond was his pride and joy.  I hadn't been since before his passing and it was quite emotional being there again.  Not only were we on his old property but the little baby bed we laid Baby H in was made by my Grampa.  The bed was given to Tessa (H's Mommy) when she was a little girl.  It looks just as good all these years later.  :)  It felt like Grampa was apart of that session and I know he would be so proud to see where I am now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

summer time

I made a DQ run last night and ended up sharing my slush with Jude.  While he was drinking he looked down at the cup and I saw those long eyelashes.  I don't take pictures of him like I used to or should so what did I do?  Took the slush away, ran and got my camera and didn't give it back until I was ready for him ;)  I prefer cooler weather but I've really enjoyed the warmer weather so far this year.  What is it about the longer days that make giggles sweeter, those icy treats cooler and those long chats more satisfying.  I love my little family!!